Riverside Cemetery is located on Bergey Court, south of number 7 Highway, New Hamburg. It is the main active cemetery in Wilmot Township. Approximately 100 veterans’ memorial markers (grave headstones) may be found here. Most of them have been identified by the local Legion with “Lest We Forget” poppy stickers to help you see them.

The Township has a colour overview of the cemetery. It has been sub-divided into 11 Sections, indicating trees and roadways as location aids.

The map below has some lines added to help direct one to a particular grave’s location:

  1. In the top right (northeast) is the Catholic Section (Holy Family – HF) with four sub-zones labelled A – E). The graves in these 5 sub-sections are placed so that the engraved markings face North. Thus each row of graves runs west to east and the graves are numbered one (1) to x. Each row (north to south) is labelled with Roman Numerals. Thus, the 1st row of graves runs along the north fence line from west to east and is numbered I. In Section A there are 6 rows of graves, thus are labelled as I, II, III….VI. When you cross over the roadway into Section B, the first row of graves is also along the fence line and is labelled I. The graves in row I are numbered using 1, 2, 3, etc. If you refer to the chart below, Clayton Scherer is buried in the Catholic / Holy Family Section A, first row (I), first grave on the west end (1). Thus his grave is identified as HF-A, I,1.
  2. In the top centre is the “Old” Section, with 4 sub-zones labelled 1 – 4). All the graves in the rest of the cemetery are placed so that the engraved markings face East. Thus each row of graves runs north to south and the graves are numbered one (1) to x. Each row (west to east) is labelled with Capital Letters. Thus, in Old Section 1, in the top left corner, the first row is labelled A. As you walk along the fence and look down the rows, the stones are somewhat “scrambled” in their placement, but one can discern each row, and if you name them off as you walk when you get to the centre, arched gate, you are at row K. Cross the imaginary road and you continue with row L and the last row at the roadway is W.
  3. In the bottom right is Section 7, with 2 sub-zones labelled 7N and 7S). The rows run south to north and are labelled by Capital Letters. Starting at the bottom left of Section 7 north (7N) the first row is A, and the last row to the east, at the fence line, is N. Walking north along a row, the graves are numbered 1 to approximately 20.
  4. On the left are Sections 1 and 2. The rows are labelled with Capital Letters (west to east), and the graves are numbered with alpha-numeric numbers (south to north).
  5. On the far left (very narrow) is Section 8.
  6. I found no veterans’ memorial markers in Sections 3, 4, 5, 6, nor 9.

These charts list the veterans I have found so far, with identification of how you can find the grave by using the Riverside Cemetery map above. As I discover more information, I will update these charts.

Note: Leg. means Legion sticker; Capt. > Captain; Spr. > Sapper; L.C. > Lance Corporal; Pte > Private; Sgt. > Sergeant, F/O > Flying Officer; CWGC > Commonwealth War Graves Commission; WO2 > Warrant Officer 2;